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메타포를 이용한 컴퓨터 애니메이션 가상공간에서의 물체의 추상에 관한 연구/210-223
글쓴이 정혜원 날 짜 2006-03-01 12:55:56
첨부파일 메타포(Methaphore 은유)를 이용한 컴퓨터 애니메이션 - 정혜원.pdf
내용 메타포를 이용한 컴퓨터 애니메이션 가상공간에서의 물체의 추상에 관한 연구 

정 혀l 원 
A Study on the Abstraction 
of Substance in Simulated Space of 
Computer Animation by 
Using Methaphore 
We aimost depend on the computers that 
had the high-technology functions for the 
effective n ess max imi zation a nd the 
m a nufac turing hour through the 
e lectronicalza tion by the technology 
revolution in the information age. That is 
the works and the r ep r esenting media 
completed in the plane is expressed in 
three-dimensional simulated actuality now. 
The rapid development of science and the 
popula rization of computers will make the 
various cul turs a nd the chang of 
information real and popular , thus mass 
communication will develop much easier 
than this time. 
All mass communications assume the clea r 
a nd c orrect mea ning by the ph ys ical 
meaning but the human beings , "existence 
in the world’ or ‘existence in the culture' 
are living the implicated meaning. Thus, 
when we interpret its meaning, we can' t 
derive the implicated meaning. As we are in 
the level of physical meaning, our creativity 
can be restricted to that extend. 
The nature of methaph ore is to understand 
or exprience a certain by conn ecting with 
other things. The methaphore is a pplied in 
everyday life such as our though t and 
beha viors wid e ly , not only in our 
The concept system that we intend, depend 
on, do ordinarily conta ins a methaphoreic 
cha r acte r b as ica ll y. Anyhow , the 
methaphore can be useful as a means to 
overcome the conflicts. We can abstract the 
substance and the space in the simulated 
actu a lity by using the meth aphore. This 
approach can remove to make the actual 
world going to from one place to a nother 
place embarrassing. The effectiven ess of 
computer animation , known to us well 
now, can be developed in detail as years go 
by a nd stimulates the su rr ea li stic 
descrip t ion. Thus, in this study , 1 research 
the indefinite possibilities toward the space 
in simulated actuality and the purpose of 
this study is to provide the right direction 
of methaphore design.