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대학 Logo Type 개발에 관한 연구/186-196
글쓴이 김건엽 날 짜 2006-03-01 12:49:21
첨부파일 대학 Logo Type 개발에 관한 연구-김건엽.pdf
내용 대학 Logo Type 개발에 관한 연구 

The 10go types presented in this paper are the 
functiona1 formation of 1etters using many water 
drops. This illustrates the absorption ability of 
information and visualizes the vision and the 
possibi1ity that the college can offer to the 
prospective students. 
The wor1d is changing so fast. High techno1ogy 
industry such as internet, information drive the 
wor1d into the new centuηT. the changes in college 
society is desperate1y needed. Unlike years ago the 
recruiting prospective students is so competitive 
that the most schoo1 put their great deal of efforts 
in deve10ping the programs that the students are 
1ike1y to choose as their favorite career. There is 
another important thing that the schoo1 must 
adopt. This is the 10go type of the college. in order 
to express diligency and endeavor, stiff and strict 
typefaces are frequently used for colleges. These 
traditional1ogo types used for many colleges do not 
appea1 to students any more. The students' 
attitude toward their life is changing dramatically. 
So the new 10go types of the college is needed. 
The prospective student as a customer considers 
what kind of curricu1um the schoo1 can provide 
her/him to deve10p her/his own creativity which is 
the one of the most important factors in job 
seeking. The 10go type p1ays a verγ important ro1e 
in recruiting the students. Peop1e tend to determine 
their first impression of other person, for instance 
character, socia1-economic status, education, by 
just taking a glance of face. The 10go type used for 
the college is the face fo the college. Based on the 
princip1e of free market, the creation of the new 
10go type which can appea1 to the prospective 
students is veη important. But the design concept 
must contains the facts that the schoo1 is willing to 
care the student and try to provide good 
environment to develop their potential possibility t。 
be matured up as a very competitive specialist.