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문화 산업으로서의 게임의 국내외 시장현황과 전망/174-185
글쓴이 송광철 날 짜 2006-03-01 12:39:48
첨부파일 문화 산업으로서의 게임의 국내외 시장현황과 전망-송광철.pdf
내용 문화 산업으로서의 게임의 국내외 시장현황과 전망 


The marketability of a cultural industry which 
approaches familiarly to people by wrapping with 
pleasure can be felt as a various look of the United 
States that forms a unitary market from the 
Hollywood block buster fi lm to the Disneyland 
theme park. 
The cultural industry which makes customers 
naturally contact frequently, glvmg enjoyment 
together, has settled down as a high value-added 
industry in the 21st century which is called as an 
industrialized society and a knowledge society. 
What is a competitive field which the Government, 
any enterprises or an individual can challenge 
among our cultural products? What is a field to 
lead the world in the creativeness, the technology 
or the marketing power? This may be said to be 
three fields, that is, the Animation, the Character, 
and the Game which have been growing explosively 
along with the digital age. 
These three fields have something in common in 
that they provide a scenario and entertainment 
which can share emotional sensitivity with users 
while they have strong cultural characteristics at 
the same time. 
In this study, particularly for those three fields, in 
the Introduction, the concept of a cultural industrγ, 
the origin and the present state of the field of game 
industry are investigated. As for the main subject, 
the genre and the kind of game, and the present 
situation of the game market both at home and 
abroad are described. In addition, the tendency and 
the prospect of home and foreign game market 
were tried to be grasped by analysing the 
developmental conditions and the problematic 
issues by means of comparing and reviewing the 
technical level which is related with the game 
between our country and some advanced countries.